What is Markets+?

Enhanced Energy Solutions For The West

Far more than just a day-ahead energy market, Markets+ is a stakeholder-driven bundle of services coordinated by SPP to provide benefits and savings, greater access to renewable energy sources and increased reliability to participants in the West.

Economic Benefits

Lower production costs, increased market competition and fair and equitable tariffs will return economic benefits to Markets+ participants. For perspective, current participants in SPP's Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) program realized savings of $1.35 per 1,000 kilowatt-hours and a total of $31.7 million in net benefits in 2022.

Diverse Portfolio

Markets+ will greatly expand access to a diverse portfolio of sustainable energy sources, including wind, hydro and solar. In fact, SPP's current footprint features the largest share of renewable energy among the 7 RTOs operating in the United States. Such portfolio diversity will help states in the West move closer to achieving clean energy targets.

Increased Reliability

Participants in Markets+ will experience increased grid capacity when weather and natural disasters threaten local power supply. By utilizing the new Western Power Pool (WPP) Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) to evaluate and address needs, Markets+ participants have taken an important step toward greater reliability.

Quick Facts


Entities in the Western Interconnection for which SPP already serves as Reliability Coordinator.

$31.7 Million

Net benefits for SPP's WEIS participants in 2022

510 MW

Optimized use of bi-directional interchange capability

Benefits of Markets+

Markets+ will deliver several key benefits to participants in the West:


Increased grid capacity during weather events helps secure greater reliability for participants.


Achieving greater balance in energy markets will translate to increased savings for all participants.


A robust fleet of renewable energy generation enables participants to move toward clean energy goals.


An independent, stakeholder-driven governance model reinforces our commitment to equitability.



Markets+ has established a fully independent governance model, which includes oversight from SPP’s independent board of directors and the Markets+ Independent Panel (MIP).

Markets+ Independent Panel (MIP)

MIP provides oversight and direction to the Markets+ program, driven by input from committees and working groups.

Markets+ State Committee (MSC)

MSC was established to ensure each state's interests are well-represented as Markets+ is further developed and implemented.

Markets+ Participants Executive Committee (MPEC)

MPEC is responsible for advancing policies and procedures for technical operations to the Markets+ Independent Panel.


SPP has made a long-term commitment to secure cost-effective, reliable and diverse energy for Markets+ participants.

Contact Us

Have questions about Markets+? Reach out to us and we'll connect you with the right individual or working group.